Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil-Spill: No Methods To the Madness

If you are anything like me, you couldn't help but laugh when you saw this picture. However, the reality is that we are in the middle of a major environmental crisis. Everyone seems to be playing the blame game, pointing the finger at someone else. At this point it doesn't really matter who's at fault.  The only thing that really matters is getting the oil out of the Gulf of Mexico.

What's not funny, is the lack of technical expertise on the part of everyone involved. Most of the methods I have seen to clean up and contain the spill are primitive at best. From golf balls and rubber tires, to alpaca fur and hay. The latest reports say that they are willing to accept ideas from anyone who has one. My intuition tells me that you probably shouldn't be drilling a mile beneath the surface if you have no clue as what to do if something should go wrong. But then again, if you have billions upon billions of dollars you can probably sidestep a little red tape dealing with safety measures.

On top of an already horrible accident, they are now spraying  dispersants onto the surface to further pollute the environment. I was under the impression that human-kind and technology had come along way over the past 100 years or so. Apparently I was wrong!

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